On Sat, Nov 22, 2014 at 07:01:44PM +0300, Oleg Kolosov wrote:
> Hello!
> Considering that Visual Studio 2013 is now essentially free 
> (http://www.visualstudio.com/products/visual-studio-community-vs) I’m taking 
> the opportunity to announce again that I’m working on a version of CHICKEN 
> Scheme which can be compiled with it (with the help of CMake).
> There are few other changes not supported by the CHICKEN developers. Roughly, 
> the current agenda is:
>  - make the code more approachable to an occasional contributor
>  - replace the scheduler and posix support code with libuv facilities
>  - better cross-compilation support
>  - source level debugging
>  - more usable profiler
> You are welcome to follow/fork me on github:
> https://github.com/bazurbat/chicken-scheme
> https://github.com/bazurbat/chicken-eggs

Hello Oleg,

I applaud your efforts to make CHICKEN work better under Windows.
However, I took a look at your fork and it looks like you're making
various sweeping changes.  Do you have a plan for making the merge
back into CHICKEN core, or are you intending to maintain a real fork?


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