Hello Christian, 

> Maybe this is unrelated to the IDE you tunnel through csi but rather
> an "issue" with csi itself:

Not sure. I think it is rather a thing with ST2/SublimeREPL. See below. 

> When you say once do you mean you just did it 1 time? Please keep
> [....] 
> Does this solve your problem? 

I reproduced the result multiple times, with ST2/R freezing each time. And
yes, the freezing occured after loading the csv file with 
(define csvblob (read-lines "csvtesteng.csv")). 

and accessing it with something like

(car csvblob).

CSI, when run from the command prompt, has no problems with these commands
and is completely responsive (ergo, it works as it should). 

That is why I am looking for a better IDE now. Or better: I am looking for a
good workflow for chicken scheme. 




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