On 01/07/2015 06:50 PM, Alex Charlton wrote:
> Bahman Movaqar writes:
>> I have a record type, SOME-RT, and am implementing operations for it. As
>> a habit, I keep putting an 'assert' expression at the beginning of each
>> procedure.
>>   (define (some-rt-some-op param1)
>>     (assert (some-rt? param1) ...)
>> However, I doubt if I'm doing things the idiomatic way. Is this the
>> approach you seasoned CHICKEN'ers would take as well? TIA,
> While I wouldn’t say assert is in any way a bad thing to use, Eiffel-style 
> contracts can be a nice solution to this type of problem. While I’ve never 
> used the dbc egg before, it seems to be the way to go for contracts in 
> http://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/4/dbc

Thanks Richard and Alex for your replies and hints. For now as a
beginner, to keep the complexity at a minimum, I'd go with the
traditional "assert".

Bahman Movaqar

http://BahmanM.com - https://twitter.com/bahman__m
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