Hi, Evan--

On Thu, Mar 5, 2015 at 6:13 PM, Evan Hanson <ev...@foldling.org> wrote:

> > Does a size_t argument require any special handling on the Chicken
> > side? Or can I just treat it as a regular integer?
> A regular size_t, even: http://api.call-cc.org/doc/foreign/types/size_t

Thanks, but I guess my question wasn't sufficiently clear. My updated code
already has:

*    (foreign-lambda int zmq_recv socket message size_t int);  and
(foreign-lambda int zmq_send socket message size_t int)*
What I was wondering is whether I need to take any special measures to
ensure that the value being passed as a size_t is in the correct range. In
this case, the 'len' argument is produced by calling (number-of-bytes
data). I would be really surprised if that value ever exceed the int32
range, but I suppose that could theoretically happen.

Matt Gushee
Chicken-users mailing list

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