On Thu, Mar 19, 2015 at 02:26:06PM +0100, Jörg F. Wittenberger wrote:
> On Mar 19 2015, Peter Bex wrote:
> >there suck in a variety of different ways), so I'm sure a CMS in Scheme
> >is going to make the lives of people like my former self more pleasant.
> 2 questions:
> * What features need to be present for something to count as a CMS?

That's a very tough question, as many things are counted as a CMS.
Looking back at the jobs I've had before, the CMS allowed
non-programmers to build a complete site from scratch, writing only HTML
and CSS.  On the other hand, that's perhaps not the defining feature;
rather, it's allowing the users to enter content which is then presented
on the front-end.  But almost any web-based system could then be termed
a "CMS"...  I suppose a CMS is more flexible, allowing users to do a lot
without having to request custom-built new features just to add a new
page to the site's menu, for example.

I'd use Drupal as a benchmark because I know it well, and it goes very
far in allowing non-programmers to define custom content types, install
modules that allow them to define almost everything.  There's a query
builder that allows you to define custom reports/overview pages and so
on.  Unfortunately it's also dog slow because of this modularity and
extensibility.  There's a cost to everything...

> * How many CMS in Scheme are there already?

None that I know of, but I never looked too hard.


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