On Wed, Apr 08, 2015 at 08:26:43PM +1200, arc wrote:
> I would also caution against generalising from Usenet to some wider
> community.  I haven't visited comp.lang.scheme in years, but I am on
> my second go at trying to make sense of Forth, so I've been lurking
> in comp.lang.forth, and it's also kind of problematic, due largely
> to a small handful of problematic personalities (one at least is
> engaging in the same behaviour as he did in c.l.s years ago: anyone
> remember gavino?).  If those people disappeared, it would suddenly
> become a largely pleasant place.
> Unfortunately open access, low barriers to entry, and no moderation
> it's simply too easy for difficult people to ruin life for everyone,
> (including of course brining out the worse in people who would
> otherwise be better), forever.
> [people in #scheme] all seemed like thoroughly nice people, and it's
>  hard to believe the intervening years have turned them all nasty...

Gavino, that blight of humanity, has been appearing on c.l.s, even once
on this mailing list, and keeps popping up on IRC under different
nicknames.  I actively monitor #chicken to keep him out, but when I left
#scheme a few years ago, that was mostly due to the fact that there are
no active moderators, or at least Gavino is not kept out.  This spoils
the atmosphere enough for me that I don't go in there at all anymore.

I also remember various other trolls mostly being allowed free reign
in #scheme.  Only when it got completely out of hand, sometimes Riastradh
would step in to kick them, but he wasn't very active back then anymore,


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