On Thu, Jun 04, 2015 at 01:12:50AM +1200, arc wrote:
> On 03/06/15 19:00, Peter Bex wrote:
> >It's pretty cool in that it supports both er/ir macros *and* syntactic
> >closures.
> I was under the impression that explicit renaming macros could be
> implemented in syntactic closures, and that is what is implied here:
> http://www.gnu.org/software/mit-scheme/documentation/mit-scheme-ref/Explicit-Renaming.html

That's correct, it's also how Picrin implements er-macro-transformer *and*

> So it's perhaps not surprising that MIT and Picrin support both?

It's just unfortunate that only Picrin bothered to implement ir-macros,
considering it's so easy to do with synclo.

> And in fact now I look for a little while longer, I find someone
> implementing implicit renaming in Chibi using syntactic closures:
> https://gist.github.com/baguette/2632464
> (Only found this 10 minutes ago, so I'm making no claims on its behalf...)

I would've thought ir-macro-transformer would be implemented exactly like
er-macro-transformer, except using rsc-macro-transformer instead of
sc-macro-transformer.  On the other hand, implementing ir macros is
trickier than it seems at first.  Trust me, I know :)


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