On Mon, Oct 5, 2015 at 7:52 PM, Alex Shinn <alexsh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Oct 5, 2015 at 11:42 PM, Matt Welland <mattrwell...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> I need to install multiple versions of my refdb and logpro eggs. My first
>> thought was to take advantage of deploy but I get the error below. Other
>> than hacking them to make a local install I'm out of ideas, any suggestions?
>> chicken-install -deploy -p $PWD/refdb refdb
>> that is failing here:
>> changing current directory to /tmp/temp8135.38302/utf8
>>   '/p/f/env/pkgs/chicken/' -bnq -e "(require-library
>> setup-api)" -e "(import setup-api)" -e "(setup-error-handling)" -e
>> "(extension-name-and-version '(\"utf8\" \"3.4.1\"))" -e
>> "(destination-prefix \"/tmp/refdb\")" -e "(runtime-prefix \"/tmp/refdb\")"
>> -e "(deployment-mode #t)" 'utf8.setup'
>> make: making utf8-lolevel.so
>>   '/p/f/env/pkgs/chicken/' -feature
>> compiling-extension    -deployed -fixnum-arithmetic -inline -local -s -O3
>> -d0 -j utf8-lolevel utf8-lolevel.scm
>>   '/p/f/env/pkgs/chicken/' -feature
>> compiling-extension    -deployed -s -O2 -d0 utf8-lolevel.import.scm
>> make: making utf8.so
>>   '/p/f/env/pkgs/chicken/' -feature
>> compiling-extension    -deployed -fixnum-arithmetic -inline -local -s -O2
>> -d1 -j utf8 utf8.scm
>> Warning: renamed identifier not imported: (utf8-string? valid-string?)
>> Warning: exported identifier of module `utf8' has not been defined:
>> valid-string?
>> Error: module unresolved: utf8
> I can't reproduce this (same chicken version, osx, with or without
> -deploy).
> Could there be a conflict with an old version of utf8 in your search path?
> The identifier in question is defined, though was added somewhat recently.

Re-installing utf8 fixed it. Thanks.

> --
> Alex
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