Attention CHICKEN game programmers,
There is a Lisp Game Jam coming up on January 1. You have 7 days to
create a small game using any Lisp dialect, including CHICKEN Scheme.
Think of it as a friendly, low-pressure opportunity to practice your
game development skills and create something fun. CHICKEN has many game
libraries and bindings, such as Allegro, Chipmunk, OpenAL, OpenGL, and
SDL. Or you could create a text console game, or even a web browser game
using awful and/or spock!
I will be participating, using the jam as an excuse to create another
example game for the new sdl2 and sdl2-image eggs. I will also be
hanging out in the #lispgames and #chicken IRC channels on freenode as
much as I can during the jam, to answer anyone's questions about the
sdl2 and sdl2-image eggs, and about game development in general. My IRC
nickname is jacius.
You can find more info and join the jam at . Don't forget to
introduce yourself in the community forums. :)
Happy new year and happy jamming to all!
- John Croisant
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