On Sat, Jan 02, 2016 at 11:40:47AM -0500, Sudarshan S Chawathe wrote:
> I seem to get incorrect output and errors in some cases when using the
> fmt and numbers eggs together.  A brief transcript illustrating the
> problem is included below.  In brief:
>   * (fix 30 2/3) doesn't behave as indicated in the docs.
>   * Some large numbers cause errors.
> When not using the numbers egg, fmt's behavior seems to be as expected
> (given Chicken's implementation of numbers without the 'numbers' egg).
> Is this a known limitation of fmt with 'numbers'?

I'm afraid so.  As far as I know the only way to fix this is to add a
hard dependency on numbers to fmt.  This may not be desirable depending
on what you're using fmt for.

This is a result of the second class treatment that extended numbers get,
and will be fixed in CHICKEN 5, due to integration of the full numeric
tower into core.


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