Hi Chickens!

Happy New Year!

I hope you're all having a wonderful 2016 already.

I hope this slightly off-topic message finds you well and that you don't
mind me bothering you with it; after all, my hair has been a talking
point at many Chicken meetup and conference! :-)

As some of you know, I have lovely long hair and have been growing it
for many years. It's finally time to cut it off for charity so I'm going
to be donating the hair itself to The Little Princess Trust who will
make it into a wig for a child who loses their own hair whilst fighting
cancer. I'm also raising money for Cancer Research UK as many of my
friends and family have suffered with various different types of cancer
over the years.

I hope you'll take a minute to have a look at my fund-raising page and
maybe make a donation:


Thanks for all your help and support.

Happy New Year and see you (without my hair) soon!


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