----- Forwarded message from "Arthur A. Gleckler" <s...@speechcode.com> -----

Date: Wed, 06 Jan 2016 11:09:21 -0800
From: "Arthur A. Gleckler" <s...@speechcode.com>
To: srfi-annou...@srfi.schemers.org
Subject: More SRFI reviewers needed.

Happy new year, Scheme users and implementers!

We need your help.

Partly as a result of the R7RS-large standardization effort
(see <http://trac.sacrideo.us/wg/#WorkingGroup2Charter>),
there are now twelve draft SRFI (Scheme Requests for
Implementation <http://srfi.schemers.org/>) in progress:


  SRFI 121: Generators
  SRFI 122: Nonempty Intervals and Generalized Arrays
  SRFI 125: Intermediate hash tables
  SRFI 126: R6RS-based hashtables
  SRFI 127: Lazy Sequences
  SRFI 128: Comparators (reduced)
  SRFI 129: Titlecase procedures
  SRFI 130: String cursors
  SRFI 131: ERR5RS Record Syntax (reduced)
  SRFI 132: Sort Libraries
  SRFI 133: Vector Library (R7RS-compatible)
  SRFI 134: Immutable Deques

While there has been excellent discussion on each, I would
like to encourage more Scheme users and implementers to give
their feedback on the SRFI documents and their reference
implementations, tests, etc.  Participating in the
discussion is an excellent way to help shape the standard.
The goal is to make sharing code between Scheme
implementations more practical and pleasant.

If you're interested, just read a SRFI document in which
you're interested,
e.g. <http://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-121/>; review the
discussion archive; sign up for the associated mailing list
(or <http://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-list-subscribe.html> for
all SRFI discussions); and post away.  We're grateful for
all constructive feedback.

Thank you, and happy scheming!

— SRFI editor

----- End forwarded message -----

John Cowan          http://www.ccil.org/~cowan        co...@ccil.org
Normally I can handle panic attacks on my own; but panic is, at the moment,
a way of life.                 --Joseph Zitt

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