>On the tooling front we've also added two new features: a statistical
>profiler for analysing performance, and a graphical debugger called
>"feathers", which allows you to inspect your Scheme programs over the
>network.  These have both been documented in the manual.  The debugger
>has its own chapter at https://wiki.call-cc.org/man/4/Debugging and the
>profiler's new -:p runtime option is >documented at

Can I hug you? Like, now?

On Sat, May 28, 2016, 09:46 Peter Bex <pe...@more-magic.net> wrote:

> Dear CHICKEN users,
> We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of CHICKEN 4.11.0
> at the following URL:
> https://code.call-cc.org/releases/4.11.0/chicken-4.11.0.tar.gz
> This tarball has the following SHA256 checksum:
> e3dc2b8f95b6a3cd59c85b5bb6bdb2bd9cefc45b5d536a20cad74e3c63f4ad89
> This release introduces several large changes, the one with the most
> impact being a completely new calling convention for compiled CPS
> procedures in C code.  Instead of expecting "regular" C arguments,
> the compiled C functions now accept a so-called "argvector" which
> holds the arguments.  This should greatly improve the portability of
> CHICKEN programs, because it relies less on ill-specified parts of C.
> It also removes the assembly code required for manyargs, so that the
> limitation of 128 arguments for platforms without an "apply hack" has
> finally been removed.
> On the tooling front we've also added two new features: a statistical
> profiler for analysing performance, and a graphical debugger called
> "feathers", which allows you to inspect your Scheme programs over the
> network.  These have both been documented in the manual.  The debugger
> has its own chapter at https://wiki.call-cc.org/man/4/Debugging and the
> profiler's new -:p runtime option is documented at
> https://wiki.call-cc.org/man/4/Using%20the%20compiler#runtime-options
> As usual, many bugs have been fixed with this release, including several
> bugs that would cause programs to crash.  All in all, this new release
> should be much more robust and reliable.
> For the complete list of changes since 4.10.0, see the NEWS file:
> https://code.call-cc.org/releases/4.11.0/NEWS
> After this release, the core team has decided to focus its efforts on
> CHICKEN 5.  The 4.x series is still officially supported and will
> continue to receive bugfixes for critical bugs.  If enough bugs have
> been fixed, there may be a 4.12 release, but new feature development
> is going to be exclusive to the 5 branch.
> Regards,
> The CHICKEN Team
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> Chicken-users@nongnu.org
> https://lists.nongnu.org/mailman/listinfo/chicken-users
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