Hello everyone,

My name is Robert and I'm new around here.

I've recently created an egg out of some code I have written. The library's
focus is cooperative multitasking using coroutines and finite state

I understand this approach has drawbacks compared to srfi-18 (having to
explicitly yield control), but I'm aware of some situations where these
could be useful, such as in game engines.

The repo can be found here

This is url of the release info file specifically.

Would it be possible to have this added to the egg-locations file?

As I am quite inexperienced with writing libraries, I decided to err on the
side of caution and mark the code as pre-release. Please let me know if you
find bugs. I'm also open to feedback on the code itself (especially for
improving the finite state machine macro).

I'll also be working on a chicken library for asynchronous i/o here

Apart from that, hello chicken community. It's nice to meet you.

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