* Tim Johnson <t...@akwebsoft.com> [170121 14:13]:
> This is just a FYI for the benefit of some fellow noob who might
> have questions about invoking the chicken REPL in emacs on ubuntu
> linux.
> This presumes that geiser-mode is enabled for emacs
> When choosing chicken from the geiser->run menu I got the following
> error message
> """
> No chicken-doc repository found at: "/usr/share/chicken/chicken-doc"
> """
> To correct, I invoked the following :
> sudo chicken-install chicken-doc
> The previously quoted error message was repeated.
> Assuming that the chicken-doc repository was a separate installation
> from chicken-doc, a little research led me to invoke the following: 
> """
> curl http://3e8.org/pub/chicken-doc/chicken-doc-repo.tgz
> """

  P.S. - 
  I should have included that the resulting untarred repository
  folder is /chicken-doc and needs to be either copied to
  /usr/share/chicked/ _or_ the environment configured as in

  export CHICKEN_DOC_REPOSITORY=/path/to/repository

> Once that was done, the REPL still failed to load with an error
> message referring to the absence of the apropos module.
> This was solved by the following :
> """
> sudo chicken-install apropos
> """
> So, now I have the chicken REPL running asynchronously in emacs.
> cheers
> -- 
> Tim 
> http://www.akwebsoft.com, http://www.tj49.com
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