When using the date arithmetic functions in srfi-19 I’m getting incorrect 
results when specifying ‘days or any smaller DATE-KEY parameter. The ‘year 
DATE-KEY returns the correct date/time.  Below is an example from a repl 
session.  I’m seeing the same behavior when using the date-add-duration and 
date-subtract-duration functions.  Has anyone else seen this?

#;101> (time->date (current-time))
#,(date 767000000000000000 56 10 14 4 3 2017 -18000 EST #f #f #f #f)

#;110> (date-adjust (time->date (current-time)) 1 'years)
#,(date 226000000000000000 56 11 14 4 3 2018 -18000 EST #f #f #f #f)

#;152> (date-adjust (time->date (current-time)) 1 'days)
#,(date 0 53 58 19 9 6 2047 -18000 EST #f #f #f #f)
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