Hey Heinz,

> Haven't done any changes to the code for now, other than C5 compatibility
> tweaks, and setting default tclsh to tclsh8.6. I'm amazed that this
> decade-old code works on C5 pretty much out of the box.

Looks good.  One thing you might want to fix: C5 uses a R7RS-style
organization for core modules, so code like `(import (chicken base))`
maps to `(import chicken.base)` and `(import (srfi 1))` to `(import
srfi.1)` (which itself is an alias to `srfi-1` apparently).  The exact
mapping behind the scenes is more of an implementation detail, for this
reason I prefer the version with more parentheses.  It also helps with
compatibility, in case you ever want to write code running on more than
one Scheme implementation.


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