>From the Standard Prelude <http://programmingpraxis.com/standard-prelude>
at my blog <http://programmingpraxis.com>:

(define-syntax (define-macro x)
  (syntax-case x ()
    ((_ (name . args) . body)
      (syntax (define-macro name (lambda args . body))))
    ((_ name transformer)
       (define-syntax (name y)
         (syntax-case y ()
           ((_ . args)
               (syntax _)
               (apply transformer
                 (syntax-object->datum (syntax args)))))))))))

On Mon, May 13, 2019 at 1:24 PM Martin Ward <mar...@gkc.org.uk> wrote:

> The FermaT program transformation system is implemented in WSL
> and translated to Scheme for compiling or interpreting.
> It was originally developed using SCM scheme which uses defmacro
> to define macros, eg:
> (defmacro floop (name . body)
>    `(call-with-current-continuation
>       (lambda (,name)
>         (do () (#f #t)
>            ,@body))))
> (defmacro pop (v1 v2)
>    `(begin
>       (set! ,v1 (car ,v2))
>       (set! ,v2 (cdr ,v2))))
> (defmacro push (v e)
>    `(set! ,v (cons ,e ,v)))
> I am trying to port it to other Scheme versions. For bigloo
> I can use define-macro to define defmacro as a macro:
> (define-macro (defmacro name . forms)
>    \`(define-macro (,name . ,(car forms)) ,\@(cdr forms)))
> Chicken scheme does not appear to have defmacro or define-macro
> but does have define-syntax.
> Is there a way to define defmacro using define-syntax?
> --
>                         Martin
> Dr Martin Ward | Email: mar...@gkc.org.uk | http://www.gkc.org.uk
> G.K.Chesterton site: http://www.gkc.org.uk/gkc | Erdos number: 4
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