On 9/17/19 10:36 PM, Vasilij Schneidermann wrote:
Hey David,

You're using version 4 of the compiler, but version 5 of the documentation. You 
can tell the latter by looking for the number in the URL.

Thanks for the tip.

Taking a stab in the dark:



2019-09-17 22:49:46 dpchrist@tinkywinky ~/sandbox/chicken-scheme-4
$ cat palindrome.scm
;;; http://wiki.call-cc.org/man/4/Getting%20started
;;; downloaded 2019-09-17

(define (palindrome? x)
  (define (check left right)
    (if (>= left right)
        (and (char=? (string-ref x left) (string-ref x right))
             (check (add1 left) (sub1 right)))))
  (check 0 (sub1 (string-length x))))
(let ((arg (car (command-line-arguments))))
   (string-append arg
                  (if (palindrome? arg)
                      " is a palindrome\n"
                      " isn't a palindrome\n"))))

2019-09-17 22:50:17 dpchrist@tinkywinky ~/sandbox/chicken-scheme-4
$ csc -o palindrome palindrome.scm

2019-09-17 22:50:24 dpchrist@tinkywinky ~/sandbox/chicken-scheme-4
$ ./palindrome level
level is a palindrome

2019-09-17 22:50:29 dpchrist@tinkywinky ~/sandbox/chicken-scheme-4
$ ./palindrome liver
liver isn't a palindrome

The current release of Chicken appears to be 5.1.0:


I do not see a Debian backport:


Only a Sid package (no thanks; I prefer stability):


Does anyone have any experiencing compiling, installing, and running Chicken 5.1.0 from a source tarball on Debian 9? Can I do this with a normal user account?


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