I've released the source code for Bintracker, a powerful, hackable "chiptune audio workstation" written in Chicken Scheme.

The project is work-in-progress, and is currently in an early alpha stage. Basic features work and the editor is usable, though not necessarily useful ;) I'm publishing the source now in order to receive some feedback from early adopters, and maybe also find some new contributors along the way.

More info on the project site: https://bintracker.org
The source is available at https://github.com/bintracker/bintracker .

Wow! Neat project.
I love the GUI.
I've had a (very) quick look at the code. It looks like bt-gui and bt-gui-lolevel are the core of the UI engine and there's a binding to tk?

Could you talk more about the architecture of the UI? The screenshots look great and I've not seen many UI heavy Chicken programs yet. This could be a winner! Is the UI toolkit reusable?

Sure. The UI is indeed using Tk, controlled though the pstk egg. On startup, a custom Tk Theme is generated from user preferences, based on Tk's built-in "clam" theme. Icons are based on Material. Currently Bintracker generates icon PNGs in matching colors, since full PNG support has only recently landed in Tk.

bt-gui provides a set of high-level abstractions over Tk's widget primitives, in the form of coops classes. All UI classes inherit from a "ui-element" base class. There are 3 types of classes: Decorations (used to implement taskbars, modelines, etc.), buffers (like Emacs/Vim buffers, used to implement all the major widgets), and metabuffers, which are used to dynamically manage recursive collections of buffers.

Input focus is managed manually, because Tk's automatic focus handling is insufficient for this project. There is a central focus handler for Bintracker proper (defined in bt-state); all buffer instances must register with this handler. Additional focus controllers can be constructed for pop-ups etc.

Most of the high-level UI abstractions are very Bintracker specific, though there are certainly parts that could be reused for other projects. I am considering ways to separate the non-specific parts better, but at the moment it's not practical for me to have half of the UI classes defined in one module and the rest in another.

There is one major drawback to this setup: Tk does not support any of the a11y APIs provided by the major operating systems. The current solution to this is very primitive and hacky: There are two keyboard shortcuts to output information about the location of and content under cursor to a user-defined screen reader or tts tool. A lot more work is needed here. The best solution would be to implement a11y support in Tk itself, but that is beyond my current capabilities.

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