Am Sun, 8 Nov 2020 02:17:58 +0000
schrieb Chris Vine <>:

> I wonder therefore why you think that this renders the proposed
> with-lock function inappropriate, if that is what you were implying?
> Perhaps you weren't and were making some other point.  Macros for
> handling resources such as mutex invoking dynamic-wind are
> commonplace.

Sorry, short on time.  Two experiments for you kind consideration in
the appended `test.scm`

;; experiment 1

(define x (make-mutex))

  (lambda ()
        (lambda () (mutex-lock! x))
        (lambda () (raise 2))
        (lambda () (mutex-unlock! x))))))

(mutex-state x)

(mutex-lock! x)

;; experiment 2

(define (current-dynamic-extent)
  ;; a stripped down version of srfi-154
  ;; Note: any unlucky combination of call/cc, e.g., from exception
  ;; handlers exception handler might result in an obfuscated version
  ;; of this:
    (lambda (unit)
      ((lambda (d) (lambda () d))
       (lambda (thunk)
          (lambda (k)
            (unit (lambda () (call-with-values thunk k)))))))))))

(define (dynamic f #!optional (dynamic-extent #f))
  (let ((fixed (if dynamic-extent dynamic-extent (current-dynamic-extent))))
    (lambda args (fixed (lambda () (apply f args))))))

;; Here we go
(define (with-mutex m t)
      (lambda () (mutex-lock! m))
      (lambda () (mutex-unlock! m))))

(define x (make-mutex))

(mutex-specific-set! x #t)

(define invert-x!
  (dynamic (lambda () (with-mutex x (lambda () (mutex-specific-set! x (not (mutex-specific x))))))))

  (lambda ()
    (let ((before (mutex-specific x)))
      (invert-x!) ;; I bet you'd expect this to block, don't you?
      (eq? before (mutex-specific x))))))

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