> I'd like to see this as a Chicken 5 egg.  What is the proper way,
> considering the social and technical aspects of things, to getting this
> submitted as a Chicken 5 egg?

I've received two emails about PRs I've handed in for C5 compatibility
being merged:

- https://github.com/tenderlove/chicken-yaml/pull/9#event-4158277799
- https://github.com/tenderlove/chicken-yaml/pull/10#event-4158267744

There's been commits after that as well. I've checked out master and ran
the C5 versions of `salmonella` and `test-new-egg` successfully there.
Therefore I'd advise not being hasty, the author might submit the egg
for C5 soonish and even if they don't end up doing so, just remind them
about it.


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