I've made some partial progress.
I installed mingw64-gcc and make into windows with chocolatey in a
powershell instead of with MSYS2, which I think may be closer to what
you have setup George?

I was then able to compile and install chicken. I couldn't work out how to
set a PREFIX value that wouldn't stop it failing to compile, but not
setting one at all and installing at least defaulted to installing in

Running from this version does run ok with csi, but running chicken-install

- - - 8< - - -
> chicken-install -update-db
loading import libraries ...
generating database ...

Error: (open-output-file) cannot open file - No such file or directory:
- - -

I think it's using the "system separator" from the chocolatey version of
mingw64, which is probably the windows system "\\", and mixing that with
the fact I couldn't set a PREFIX value, and failing in windows as it
doesn't understand forward slashes.
I tried running it under MSYS2/MingW64, but had exactly the same error,
which I suspect is the other way around, this time the MSYS2 version fails
to understand the "\\" at the end.
If I could set the system separator and compile under chocolatey, it might
well work under MSYS2, like a cross compile.

I did notice that the gcc under chocolatey is 10.2, whereas with MSYS2 it's

I tried downgrading the version of gcc in MSYS2, but pacman doesn't support
downgrading easily, and although i was able to replace 10.3 with a previous
10.2 package and at least get gcc showing it was the correct version, it
wouldn't actually compile chicken, and simply returned an error compiling
the first file:

- - - 8< - - -
$ make PLATFORM=mingw-msys PREFIX=C:/msys64/usr/local/
gcc -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -DHAVE_CHICKEN_CONFIG_H -DC_ENABLE_PTABLES
-c -Os  -DC_BUILDING_LIBCHICKEN library.c -o library-static.o -I. -I./
make: *** [rules.make:121: library-static.o] Error 1
- - -

I suspect this is because I couldn't find 10.2 versions of the other
packages used to get a working environment to compile, and the versions are
clashing somehow.

George, what version of gcc did you use to compile chicken? I suspect this
may simply be a version issue, as my system is incredibly clean, so
shouldn't be having these issues.

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