
I tried to compile the latest tarball on macOS Big Sur and got into
some problems. After some chatting with Mario Goulart and some
fiddling around, we've figured out the problems and got it compiled
and installed properly. Thanks Mario!

I wrote down the steps taken for my future self, but since I have
them online I thought it could perhaps be useful to share the
experience and the steps that were necessary on (my machine at
least) with the community:


On Mon, Sep 20, 2021 at 09:12:25AM +0200, Peter Bex wrote:
> Hello all,
> The third release candidate for CHICKEN 5.3.0 is now available for
> download:
> The sha256sum of that tarball is:
>   298ad5eab42ea56c3cc3fcc7343a510e0c41fc13d3b5bdd2f4b1a636458f8f67
> The list of changes since 5.2.0 and 5.3.0rc3 is available here:
> This release candidate makes it possible to build with tcc again
> and fixes two issues on Windows: egg installation scripts were mixing
> uses of msys tools and Windows cmd directives and the test suite has
> some failures on Windows.
> Please give this new release candidate a try and report your findings
> to the mailing list.  Here's a suggested test procedure:
>   $ make PREFIX=<directory> install check
>   $ <directory>/bin/chicken-install pastiche
> If you can, please let us know the following information about the
> environment on which you test the RC:
>   Operating system: (e.g., FreeBSD 12.0, Debian 9, Windows 10 mingw-msys 
> under 
> mingw32)
>   Hardware platform: (e.g., x86, x86-64, PPC)
>   C Compiler: (e.g., GCC 6.4.0, clang 5.0.0)
>   Installation works?: yes or no
>   Tests work?: yes or no
>   Installation of eggs works?: yes or no
> Thanks in advance!
> The CHICKEN Team

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