Hi y'all,

I'm happy to announce and ask to publish a new egg to the coop, this time to interface with an IPFS[0] node (go-ipfs[1]) through its HTTP API[2].

You can find the user documentation on the wiki[3]. For technical/implementation details I would encourage you to just read the code (and maybe the README) available on siiky/ipfs.scm[4].

Special thanks to sjamaan for taking some of his own time to help me iron out some quirks! And to the always helpful people on IRC, who found `open-input-string` for me, and helped me with some macro stuff (that I eventually replaced with a simpler interface using just `syntax-rules`, thus dropping 2 dependencies).


test-new-egg report:

  Fetching........................................[ ok ] 0s
  Reading .egg....................................[ ok ] 0s
  Checking dependencies...........................[ ok ] 0s
  Checking category...............................[ ok ] 0s
  Checking license................................[ ok ] 0s
  Checking author.................................[ ok ] 0s
  Installing......................................[ ok ] 3m14s
  Checking version................................[ -- ]
  Testing.........................................[ -- ]
  Checking documentation..........................[ ok ] 0s

And here's the release-info[5].

[0]: https://ipfs.io
[1]: https://github.com/ipfs/go-ipfs
[2]: https://docs.ipfs.io/reference/http/api
[3]: https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/ipfs
[4]: https://github.com/siiky/ipfs.scm
[5]: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/siiky/ipfs.scm/main/ipfs.release-info


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