Christian Himpe schrieb am 2022-06-28:

> Lassi Kortela schrieb am 2022-06-28:
> > >I am trying to define a function depending on the version of CHICKEN.  I 
> > >was thinking to use "cond-expand" for this purpose, but found no suitable 
> > >feature in the documentation

> > #;1> (cond-expand (chicken-5 'a) (chicken 'b) (else 'c))
> > a

> This only seems to let me differentiate between major versions and not minor 
> versions, am I correct? I would need to decide based on minor versions. But 
> thanks nonetheless, "chicken-5" seems not to be mentioned in the docu.

> Christian

OK, I just blindly tested with minor versions, i.e.: chicken-5.X, and it seems 
to work. Should I add this to the docu?


Dr. rer. nat. Christian Himpe
University of Münster / Applied Mathematics Münster
Orléans-Ring 10 / 48149 Münster / Germany

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