Dear Wolf,

thank you for testing. I am currently using -O4 as the performance gab between 
-O3 and -O4 is rather large (likely because of those safety measures). You are 
probably right that -O3 is more sensible; I will adapt this for the next 
version and think about how to provide a "safe" and a "fast" version 



Wolfgang Corcoran-Mathe schrieb am 2022-07-09:
> On 2022-07-08 09:11 +0200, Christian Himpe wrote:
> > I released version 0.2 of the "matrico" egg

> I just installed matrico 0.2 and ran all tests successfully.
> Thanks for your work.

> I'm a little surprised that you use -O4.  This uses the -unsafe
> flag, which disables runtime checks.  I see why you want maximum
> optimization for this library, but I'd be happier with -O3.
> (Maximum "safe" optimization.)

> Regards, Wolf

> --
> Wolfgang Corcoran-Mathe  <>

Dr. rer. nat. Christian Himpe
University of Münster / Applied Mathematics Münster
Orléans-Ring 10 / 48149 Münster / Germany

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