Hello Chickeners!

I had a "why not?" idea recently. I'm maintaining the RPM packages for Chicken, and I thought "why not pack Chicken into an AppImage?" - and that's what I did!

For those who don't know AppImages: they are single-file volumes (think ISO or DMG) but executable, and they work, without any further requirements apart from FUSE (to mount the embedded SquashFS), on every Linux distribution. You download an AppImage, rename it if you want, make it executable, and it's ready for use. (if you have AppImageUpdate installed, you can even automatically check for and get updates).

So in this case, I packed a little script into the AppImage, since Chicken has a whole bunch of executables. The AppImage is being built on OpenSUSE's OBS service, and a download page is on https://www.appimagehub.com/p/1911578/ , where you'll also find further description on how to use it.

Try it out if you like, and let me know about your thoughts, bugs to fix, or improvements to make. A bit later I will link it on the installation page of the Chicken wiki.

Best regards,

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