Hi Mario,

Thank you for adding my egg. With regard to your dependency remark: I assume 
you refer to the README docs and not .egg file(?), which I will clarify. Please 
let me know if I made an error in the .egg file.



> On 15. Nov 2022, at 19:36, Mario Domenech Goulart <ma...@parenteses.org> 
> wrote:
> Hi Christian,
> On Tue, 15 Nov 2022 00:44:45 +0100 Christian Himpe <c_him...@uni-muenster.de> 
> wrote:
>> I would like to announce the first release candidate of the “arcadedb”
>> egg with a repository at GitHub:
>> https://github.com/gramian/chicken-arcadedb
>> This egg provides a driver / client for the multi-model NoSQL database
>> ArcadeDB ( https://arcadedb.com ) in CHICKEN Scheme, and requires a
>> running database instance. Feel free to give feedback or ask
>> questions.
>> PS: Testing the egg with:
>> test-new-egg arcadedb 
>> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gramian/chicken-arcadedb/main/arcadedb.release-info
>> tests pass, except “Checking version” (—), “Testing” (—), and “Checking 
>> documentation” (fail).
> Thanks!  Your egg has been added to the coop.
> A note regarding dependencies: they are usually mentioned as build time
> dependencies.  I have a feeling the dependencies you mention are run
> time ones.  Maybe you want to clarify that in the documentation.
> All the best.
> Mario
> -- 
> http://parenteses.org/mario

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