
heh - I don't like to see deprecation warnings when I build stuff :)

Me neither, but I like it even less when stuff stops working (like Doom Emacs just today)

I don't know what's the support policy for older releases in the 5.x series, but by your logic, no egg at all can use current-process-milliseconds for the same reason of it not being available before 5.3.

AFAIK there's no hard set of rules about egg compatibility with CHICKEN versions, each egg author chooses how and what to support. If you want to use current-process-milliseconds in your eggs go right ahead! :)

However, personally, I don't see the advantage of using current-milliseconds over current-process-milliseconds in eggs. As of now, both calls work, the userbase is already small, and the amount of available libraries is also not huge (comparing to popular languages). Why should I artificially restrict which CHICKEN versions users of my eggs can use? (I know of at least one person using 5.2 though they probably don't use any of my eggs)

TLDR: I would choose (2) of Mario's options, but you can choose any option you prefer.

If breaking 5.X | X < latest is a concern, this means current-milliseconds must stay in 6.x and can only be removed in 7.x?

Hm I don't see how that follows. Removing current-milliseconds in 6.x doesn't break anything 5.x.


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