Welcome Bethany and furballs!
-------Original Message-------
Date: 03/06/06 02:29:04
Subject: [Chihuahuas] New Member Intro

I am Bethany and I have two Chihuahuas - Pedro, 2 years and Miguel, 5
months. Pedro is teaching Miguel the ropes around here. I got Pedro
last year from a local rescue group. His owner moved into a place that
didn't allow pets. I bought Pedro from a local "breeder" but I think
she just breeds to make money. I am looking forward to getting to know
all of you and learn more about Chihuahuas. I found a new list too for
health issues. It is a Yahoo group and fairly new. You might want to
join too - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bethany, Pedro and Miguel


" Lets talk about our wonderful little friends!
Join today! "


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