  Maybe I missed it, but could you give me the internet site for the free 
pattern. My male is 8lbs, but my female is 2lbs and I have trouble finding 
anything to fit but cutting childrens. sock tops. Thank you,

Barbara Littlefield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
            I want to thank all of you for your advise on car seats and coat 
patterns. I have ordered Roul a car seat. His gift coat has arrived from his 
Aunt, so he is no longer freezing in the too small sweater, and I have down 
loaded the free pattern off the internet and will look for a commercial pattern 
at the store next week when I go to the big city. 
  Thanks to all of you Roul will be sitting pretty and keeping warm.
  Barbara L
    ----- Original Message ----- 


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