Is there somebody who can help you do this? Place your baby like a soccer ball 
between your arm and body scruff his neck gentle and with the other hand make a 
muzzle and have someone else apply the eye might be able to 
apply the drops skipping the scruff part too it all depends on how much he'll 
fight you. God Luck!
Dio benedice,
       Wilmary Nazario
"L'unica cosa stata necessaria per il trionfo della malvagita e affinche i 
buoni uomini non faccia niente"

----- Original Message ----
From: Barbara Littlefield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2007 10:46:29 AM
Subject: [Chihuahuas] Eye drops

What is a good way to get drops into the eye of a Chi? I have tried the Zen 
approach - I am calm, therefore my dog is calm. I have tried distractions - 
holding the Chi like a baby, feeding little bits of special food with one hand 
while trying to put the drop in with the other. I have tried the mommy dog 
approach - a gentle shake on the scruff of the neck. Then there is the WWF 
(World Wrestling Federation) approach, all the while being very careful of his 
little neck. 
The drops are supposed to go in three times a day, so far we have managed it, 
but it takes almost a 1/2 hour each time. In the past I have put drops in the 
eyes of an 80 lab mix - that was a piece of cake compared to Roul the wiggle 
Barbara L & Roul

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