Once you get you pup hone, I promise you she will bond to you. Just give her 
the time!

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: pagal ladki 
  To: No Reply 
  Cc: Chihuahuas@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2007 3:33 PM
  Subject: [Chihuahuas] My new puppy

  I got my 7 mo. puppy last Thursday (shipped from Indiana).  My friend who has 
3 dogs of her own asked me to bring my new puppy to her place from the airport 
so she could help me out (as this is my first dog).  So I spent the night 
there.  Then I had to take my puppy to the vet and she was hospitalized 
overnight.  My friend kept requesting that I bring my little dog to her house 
so she could spent the week there and take her meds and eat when I am at work.  
I think a made a huge mistake now because my puppy doesn't realize I am her 
Mother.  I am going to take her home on Wednesday night to my place but I think 
unfortunately my puppy has been bonding with my friend.  I HATE this because as 
grateful as I am to my friend for doing this I am VERY upset because my puppy 
looks for my friend constantly when she leaves the room.  Even when I am 
holding her she wants my friend.  My friend says the puppy knows I am her Mom 
because I come home every night but I don't think this is true.  I was the one 
who picked her up from the airport, took her to the vet, picked up from vet and 
have been driving her around.  

  Also I don't think it is good that when my friend watches her all day (she 
stays at home) she constantly picks her up or leaves her in the room with her.  
She is building up expectations for my puppy that I can't possibly fulfill 
because I will be at work during the day and only see my puppy after and before 
work.  I don't feel like my puppy will bond with me or even like me when I take 
her home.  Please don't think that I am ungrateful to my friend but I can't 
help but feel like my friend has fallen in love with my puppy and is sabotaging 
my relationship with her.  This isn't supposed to be this way.  Please help
  I don't know how to create a bond with my new puppy now that has mistakenly 
bonded with the wrong person.  

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