Sheila,  The clicker makes one "click" sound.  You start off with just clicking 
(once) and giving a treat.  This can be done without the dog doing anything at 
the beginning.  At first, you just "click" and treat, "click" and treat, over 
and over so the dog associates the "click" with the reward of the treat.  
Always give the dog the treat AFTER the "click" sound.  Then, you start guiding 
the dog to do what you want, such as sit.  As soon as the dog's bottom hits the 
ground, you "click".  Then you give the treat.  Do this over and over a few 
times and then start adding the voice command "sit".  Most dogs pick it up 
really fast if they are food motivated.  I don't think the age of the dog makes 
any difference.  There are many classes out there that offer clicker training.  
Most dog training facilities use the clicker method in the puppy and basic 
obedience classes.  You would just have to be careful with bringing a little 
Chi to a class with big dogs. can always
 train your own dogs!  Hope this helps!

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