First, it is always hard to tell about a pup...what it will eventually look bet is always to see the parents, as kids tend to resemble parents. 
BUT, as a chi breeder, I would not hesitate to say this pup looks like any 
other chi pup.....Looks like it will be either a l/c or possibly a rough coat 
(between a long and smooth) I see nothing to indicate to me that it will not 
grow up to look just like the other chis.... Maybe your friends have never seen 
l/c's before. A lot of people do not realize there is such thing as a l/c....

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: pudgiepug06 
  Sent: Sunday, March 04, 2007 9:35 AM
  Subject: [Chihuahuas] Pictures

  Hi, guys I finally got the pix of Cookie to load but I had to create a 
  file instead of an album so if you go to files look for "Cookie" and 
  there are some pixs in there but you'll have to scroll down and over 
  to see her I tried to shrink the pixs but it wouldn't let me do that 
  either. Please let me kow if you guys think we a "true" Chi or if we 
  got took!



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