We use the play pens ONLY for sleeping, otherwise they are not put in it, we 
put the 2 girls in one and the 2 boys in the other one, they are side by side 
and we got them at WalMart for around $40 each, our bed was simply not big 
enough for 4 Chis and myself and husband, it was okay when it was just me but 
when I added another person to the bed it was just to small, so the play pens 
make great beds for them. I don't know about them living in a play pen tho, 
mine have the run of the house, actually they permit me and my husband to stay 
here with them....normajean

Tara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
          Hi all! (Just to refesh everyone memory, I have Nino my 13 1/2 week 
old male chi, and Bella my 8 1/2 week old female chi.)
I have heard so much about how crate training is essential in helping 
to potty train your puppies, and to give more supervision. The thing 
is I just can't put my lil babies into that little box! So in my 
mind, lol, I compromised with purchasing a puppy play pen. Now I 
know, its not a crate, but it makes ME feel better! So heres my 

Has anyone else in the group used a palypen instead of a crate?

Will this give me the same effect as the crate?

Can I use this play pen for both my pups?

Can I still have them eat in the kitchen instead of the pen?

I know I probably sound like the most in-experienced chihuahua / dog 
in general person, but I truely am! These Chi's are my first dogs 
ever! Any advice will be welcomed and appreciated! Thanks guys!
Tara, Nino & Bella


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