I would like to take a moment to bring the plight of a fellow Chi lover and 
owner to your attention. Jesse contacted me  a few weeks ago to tell me  how 
his Chi got pregnant accidentally. They had no intention of breeding her and 
were stuck with the decision of what to do. She ended up having to have a 
section, one pup died the other died just a couple of days ago in the Vets 
care as the Vet seized the chi until Jesse could pay him his $1300.00. Had 
Jesse not gone to our local paper, he would not have been given 30 days in 
which to come up with the money or forever lose his Chihuahua. His family is 
devastated and as a father and husband he is doing everything he can to 
bring Peanut home. Just so you know, any extra moneys that are over and 
above the Vets bill, will go into an account governed by the local rescue 
org to help other family's who find themselves in an emergency pet 
situation. Jesse will not get one dime of it. To put a man to this point to 
have to beg for help, is so sad imho. They made him sign over his dog or 
"watch her die". You can read their story on the following links and there 
is a link for the fund to help Jesses family pay off this Vet. (Jesse is 
making his own payments as he can)

They are the ONLY after hours Vet in the area, so what choice did Jesse 
have? You all know that our pets are our family members. If you took your 
child to the ER would it be okay with you if they kept him until you were 
able to pay the bill? Are many of us prepared for emergency's for our pets? 
The vets are so expensive anymore and most of us don't have good qualified 
healthcare policy's for them, so we are stuck with outrageous bills, some as 
high as our own!! I do hope there are some angels out there that can help 
this family be reunited with their little chi. We all know that this is very 
stressful on Peanut herself. Fellow Chi Lovers, I call once again upon my 
breed people to rally on behalf of one of our own. God Bless you all and 
thank you! Lesley

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