This person alphakat_2000 joined the group Jan 16, 2006, and has never
posted a message until now!  geezzz..


--- In, "marsha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What in the world is going on here??? This email was from sooooo long
ago!!! And the rude letter did not even come from this group!! There is
some major misunderstanding going on here!!! I think maybe someone is
reading the archives???
> Marsha
> Do not tell God how big your storm is. Tell the storm how big your God
>   ----- Original Message -----
>   From: Kathy Mabe
>   Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2007 9:19 PM
>   Subject: Re: [Chihuahuas] To the author of the letter received
regarding Dora's fundraiser
>   Dear Ruder Person,
>   I just logged in under this ID and got your email
>   blessing me out for something I never did.
>   I didn't send Marsha a message or anyone else since
>   I've never even visited your group except a few days
>   when I first joined and now.
>   I DEMAND and apology!! Or you could just start
>   another group since the one you sent me a message from
>   will be deleted by Yahoo! for harrassment.(notice the
>   two r's) I'll be leaving your group when I get the
>   apology, or a report to Yahoo! group support for the
>   RUDE email is in order.
>   Regards
>   alphakat_2000
>   --- thunderballic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>   > Dear rude person,
>   >
>   > I am very disturbed to read the message you
>   > have sent to Marsha
>   > regarding the Dora fund raiser. This was a totally
>   > uncalled for
>   > personal attack. But perhaps some good did come of
>   > this.. THANK YOU
>   > for bringing more attention to the situation!
>   >
>   > In the future if there is any message that
>   > irritates you please
>   > use the DELETE BUTTON. If you want to write
>   > someone privately to
>   > complain, then write to me, the owner of this group.
>   > If you dislike the
>   > topics of discussion in this group please feel free
>   > to unsubscribe.
>   > Perhaps you can find another group to best suit your
>   > needs. But I
>   > really doubt if there is any other group out there
>   > which permits
>   > harassment. Good luck.
>   >
>   > Rose
>   >
>   > Owner
>   > Chihuahuas Yahoo Group
>   >
>   > Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   >
>   >
>   __________________________________________________________
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