Just stayed up all night cleaning and cooking. I have a lot of sangha friends form my local monastery coming to get some meat ( a coca cola ham) tomorrow night (they don't get to eat that and most are not vegetarians). I had a Christmas blessing that I know was my grandma from the other side. I looked at the clock it was 12:04 (my nanny's?old address and whenever I notice it I know she is saying hello)?and was just fretting that I had spent a bit too much putting together this last minute gift to all of my monastic friends. As I was cleaning up some mouse poop in an odd place I rarely get into, I found double the amount I spent. ( a long forgotten put away from at least last summer). Please don't think me a pig but it was a weird place.
I had to share this with with you as it was such a confirmation that my generosity did not go unnoticed by the powers that be. I just wanted to say thank you to all of you for your tender hearts and open arms when it comes to supporting all of us who worry and are perhaps a bit new to this being chi-parents. I wanted to thank you all particularly in your avid protection and extension of your generosity to help babies everywhere. Well off for a little cat nap before the next glazing. My boy is out like a light in bed but I know when I get there he will interrupt his visions of boney bones dancing in his head and give me some sleepy loving. God bless you all! All our love and appreciation, michelle and henry in the beautiful Catskill Mountains, NY View full size ________________________________________________________________________ More new features than ever. Check out the new AOL Mail ! - http://webmail.aol.com