The baby,s and mom and dad are so cute locks like one got coulers from dad the 
other from mom.I,m sorry to hear what you and your baby hat to go true.That way 
i just don't see me ever breeding this little ones.If any thing would happen to 
my baby,s i go craysey.I,m glad they fixt good luck with your puppy,s
God bless you.Claudia 

----- Original Message ----
From: breeahnah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2008 6:03:55 PM
Subject: [Chihuahuas] We're Not pregnant any more-PUPS!

It wasnt easy and she nearly had a Csection. She delivered one pup (still 
born), then 3 hrs and no pushing or pups. Went to vet, who took an X-ray and 
suggested Csection-not really based on size, just her lack of progression. OR 
Pitocin and wait. I did the pitocin, we waited at the vets office. She had some 
hard labor, but didnt progress. I was signing the papers for the Csection as 
she was looking tired. Then as we are discussing the payment, she breaks some 
water and starts delivering! Second pup is born, a girl, small and white. Then 
another 45 minutes later delivers a not fully formed stillborn pup :( Then 
another 1 hr and the last and biggest pup was born, twice the size of the other 
living pup. The black one you see in the pics, lil miss fatty made her way into 
the world. Labor started at 730am, and we went to vets after a few hours, and 
then we werent home until 3am. When I helped the pups latch on, showered and 
went to bed. 
I have a question for you all. During all this fiasco, which I didnt of course 
have 1500.00 for a C/S lying around. I was amazed they didnt want to set up any 
payments. I have been going to this vet a long time. I had the vet (not my 
usual vet-one on call) tell me they needed 700-800   down and would only 
consider payments if I was declined on some vet credit they offer. But they 
were not so much worried about my dog, infact willing to turn her away over 
money. the vet even went so far as to tell me I could sign over my dog to her 
and then she could do the surgery. I was stunned.  I of course was willing/able 
to put down 500.00 and pay it off in 2 months. While Im sure they are 
concerened people wont pay, the williness to send her out, knowing she could 
die asstounded me. Luckily my dog decided to finish the deliver then and there 
as I was signing the forms, and making other arraigements to pay. 
Initially, of course I didnt want a C/S due to it being hard on her, and I 
didnt like they immediately went to that. I had been into see my vet that day, 
who thought that my mother would do fine with the babies she had. He didnt 
expect a C/S which is why I took her in.  Any way, it all went well. Well, so 
to speak. We only have 2 pups, but she is a fantastic mother! See links to 
pups, mom and dad below. 
Oh, I forgot to mention, I cant say when the last time I cried so hard, and dry 
heaved so badly over being so distraught. Its amazing what these dogs bring to 
your family, and how attached and worried one can get. I know I did. 
http://img521. imageshack. us/img521/ 2281/pupsrp7. jpg pups!
http://img131. imageshack. us/img131/ 4180/blackxw2. jpg 
http://img521. imageshack. us/img521/ 2905/sophiaji9. jpg  mom
http://img521. imageshack. us/img521/ 3346/kodamy3. jpg dad

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