In a message dated 2/9/2008 11:56:14 AM Central Standard Time,  

Hi everyone

Unochihuahuablanco (One White Chihuahua) here. 

I  have been off the internet for awhile due to computer then internet
server  problems with a DSL provider as well as the local phone company
and their  broken down lines.

I recently came across a product that I believe is  just the perfect
thing for Chihuahua's (Other dogs and cats too, but  especially for
Chihuahua's who cannot tolerate a lot of anesthesia due to  their
delicate size).

I have been using this product on my Mr.  Caesar for about a month, and
it actually works.

I went to our vet  about a month ago and they wanted to anesthetize Mr.
Caesar to clean his  teeth. Not on my watch they don't!

I looked all over for an alternative  to this common and usually
accepted overpriced and ridiculous practice, and  found a product
called Pet z Life Oral Care and Spray Gel.

I checked  at the local groomers, and discovered they did not carry
this or anything  like it.

The internet provided me the information I was looking  for.

I hate advertising in all forms, and immediately mute the TV when  the
Hawkers start their tirades more frequently now than ever before  (And
nobody does a thing to stop them either), this is different though;  it
really works!

This product has already made a difference in Mr.  Caesar's case. His
gums were a dark red and he had the foulest smelling  breath.

Dry dog food (Royal Canin Chihuahua) is the only dry food he  receives
and the Bil Jac Liver Treats do nothing to remove the plaque on  his
teeth. I feed him Chicken Breasts (Baked – not Raw as I don't  believe
that they cannot catch salmonella from raw chicken), and of course  I
also spoil him with occasional table scraps and Bacon & Eggs every  now
and then.

We do not feed any other commercially prepared poison  after our cat
was killed by Iams the corporate pet food producing murderers  last March.

So the only oral care he received up until a month or so  ago was from
the "abrasive action" of the dry food on his teeth and gums  while
eating. This was not enough to prevent the bad breath and  the
suspected gum problems he had.

This oral care spray and more so  with the gel has made a great
difference. He is not a stupid dog. When he  sees me coming with a
paper towel and the bottle, he runs and hides. I now  have to squeeze a
little of the gel onto my fingertip and apply it to his  lips (he will
lick it off and when it mixes with his saliva, it goes to  work). This
and a lot more is explained in their brochure and on the  website.

If you have the same type of conditions with your Chi, I can  honestly
recommend it. All natural products and no melamine or  acetaminophen
or other toxic ingredients. (And they're ALL listed on the  container,
not like some of the murdering corporate pet food producers who  only
hint around at what is in the products).

I took him to the  groomer yesterday for the monthly nail trim, anal
gland squeeze, etc, and  the took my suggestion from a month ago and
are now stocking the pet z life  products right on their front counter.

I had to order mine by  mail.

I have also added a link in the links section of this group site  "Pet
z Life".

_http://www.petzlifehttp:_ ( 

If  you are interested, check it out. There are also local
distributors listed  so you can get it over the counter rather than
buying the proverbial "pig  in a poke" unknown product through the mail
and hope it really works and is  not just another one of the fast buck
schemes awaiting the  unwary.

Give it a try. It really does  work.



My dog is getting fixed on Monday  She is 3 or 4 years  old  Is there anything
I need to watch for  Hate to see such a little dog go under  the knife but it 
to be done  Havent had a Chi in a long time used to a little  bigger dog

**************Biggest Grammy Award surprises of all time on AOL Music.     

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