I don't think the Deter will hurt the cat or kittens but in the long run the
cat food will hurt the Chi - it is too high in protein and calories and is
formulated for the nutritional needs of cats

On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 7:54 AM, John Kariotis Jr <

>   Ginger has that same nasty habit. She gets the cat's poop out of the
> litter box, either eats it or leaves it for me to find w/my foot..... I
> found Deter at my local PetSmart for under $20.00. My question is this,
> the cats, kittens and the chi eat out of the same bowl, they are all
> eating WalMart brand Special Kitty High Protein dry food. Will putting
> eithr the Deter in the food or the meat tenderizer in the food harm the
> cats and kittens? There is just no way to keep one furball out of
> another's foodbowl. Ginger has now been renamed "Hoover", since
> anything Seth drops from the highchair is fair game and the competition
> is comical... John Kariotis


"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has
endowed us with sense, reason and intellect has intended us
to forgo their use." --Galileo Galilei

Poquita, Molly, Isabella, Chandler, Joy Joy
and all the fosters and angels

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