Very cute!
From: [] On Behalf Of Judy Moon Sent: Monday, February 27, 2012 8:23 AM To:;; ChristianCanines@yahoogroups. com; Christian-Chihuahuas@yahoogroups. com; DachshundLover@yahoogroups. com; pugownersclub@yahoogroups. com; mailto:rescuepeke@yahoogroups. com Subject: [Chihuahuas] I said my dogs are not spoiled! My dogs are not spoiled, just as I stated a few days ago. My dogs only scream and howl while I walk to the mailbox because they think I need help finding my way back to the house. The only cry and whine when I take a shower because they want one too. They only sleep in my bed with me because I need warmth. They only beg food from me to taste it to make sure it is safe for me to eat. They only gather around when I am on the computer because they heard of virus on emails and are watching so they can catch and kill any virus that comes. See!! I said they weren't spoiled. Judy Moon I serve a risen Savior John 3:16 Adopt! Do not buy while animals die.