That's very interesting, Peggy.  I never knew that colors can bring on a 
migraine.  I was just in the grocery store and a man told me that chocolate 
causes him to get a igraine really fast.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy TabPeggy & The Girls <> wrote:
Wow Sharon, you certainly have had it rough for a while again. I am glad to
hear that your nephew is doing better. I am so sorry to hear about your condolences to you and his family. Hope your hubby doesn't
have anything serious and a speedy recovery. I have heard that mild
diabetics can often have periods of dizziness, usually when the sugar level
drops and then goes back up and then back down. Take care of yourself and
good to hear from you.

Could you do me one favor, please?  It is very hard on the eyes to read so
much in Red, causes me a migraine and I have to read only a little at a time
and then go back to your post to finish reading it. So if you wouldn't mind,
could you choose another color when posting, please...

Thanks, Peggy

-------Original Message-------

From: Sharon Norman

Date: 4/1/2012 6:58:18 AM


Subject: [Chihuahuas] Here we go AGAIN! (OT)

Really wish I had a life! I’m always so busy I can’t ever relax...might as
well quit my groups because I never have time to respond to anything...I
have a ton of mail...letters and pictures that I want to comment on or ask
questions about...but I never have time! For all of you who were praying for
and thinking of my nephew with the staph infection...he was in the hospital
for about a week...home now and recovering...Thank you all. It’s been crazy
here as usual...our neighbor across the street fell down his basement steps
last week...broke his neck...they said he would have recovered from that but
he ruptured his spleen and they didn’t find the problem til it was too late
REALLY??? He was a VERY nice man...loved by a lot of people...also had a
little Chihuahua named “Peanut” and he was listed in the obituary.
cousin died Fri. His parents kept calling him but he didn’t answer the phone they stopped by his house and found him drugs....or anything.
.still waiting for results of his death. Then my husband Dave came home from
work Saturday night...after 10 pm...he had just worked a double...I knew
something was wrong...but he always says nothing...long story short...we
went to the emergency room...they kept him till at least Mon...they don’t
think it’s his heart...but they want to make sure...they already did some
tests but are doing more today...and a stress test on Monday. He’s on oxygen
..nitro patch...and morphine for cell phone went dead as I was my car tonight...wasn’t real thrilled about that! Been
one of them days! OH...GOOD NEWS! My vertigo is gone! For about 2 weeks now.
.lasted about three months. On the other hand..I found out I’m diabetic..
FINALLY got my sugar under control though...and I need a test done on my
liver...but...right now I don’t have the money to do it...oh well...I thank
God for my blessing and the things I do have I KNOW things could be a lot
worse...Sorry to vent so much...Ok...gotta go check my sugar...get something
to eat...sleep for a while and go back to the hospital...we only live 7
minutes away from it...I came home to be with the “kids”..Sox gets VERY
upset if we’re gone for very long...and I just got home from the hospital a
little while ago...I have new pictures to post if I ever get a minute!

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