Hello everybody, I forward this message to you all. These stolen cockatoos need to be find alive and well soon and their thieves need to get catched and puinished. The more people know about this crime, the better. So please spread this message too!
Greetings from the Netherlands, Rita Subject: [NB] Good photos of thieves here: http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?llr=el768cdab&v=001aYDP54lNfT-1pVjSYkze2DCeNCf-mY7tIXo-EVFlsGPeAxIxMRm31N1GzxVmJEJnTQ3D6TTQ_0ZfzoZT6aXkkYvAZY4IZ0jEWoKnbiz2ngMImRYGx9W0rdnHFz0S3Akz73_ydeeMQOETlEhJ3xcXEFeZvaexbL8vxYl8jJFPxslhGJjcPjgb3j-VY_saJQaiJMQizYht8QkvmU_dkh0MMmMvBPUHa-na or...short url: http://bit.ly/X9zJka Patilla Dahun PLANNED PARROTHOOD™