Since haven’t lost my B.B 2 years ago, my Boyfriend found a little Chi about
2 wks ago. She is mostly white and some beige on her ears and head. 


I think some beige on her back as well.


I took her to the vet last Sunday and the vet says she is abot a year. She
looks good and had her rabies shot and her parbal shot as well.


She eats good but needs to stay within 5 to 5 and ½ pounds.


She is a very quiet dog but doesn’t bark. Just wimpers when I get ready to
leave or wants to eat.


I thought by not she would be barking. Very scared when we take her for a
walk and doesn’t like loud noises too much.


She is really small.


Has a totally different personality than B.B did.


Anyway, I have to take her back for her pre-op for her spay.


I am scared since the last time my other dog didn’t make it due to
underlying stuff we didn’t know about till her autopsy when we found out her
diaphragm was messed up.

There was a lady in the laundry mat that had a sling and I wished I had of
asked her where she got it.


When I was in Pet co last week, they were out and were not going to sell
them in the store.


I have a front facing backpack but she tends to keep her head inside of the


I worry she won’t feel too comfortable since it is a little confining.


Anyone have any suggestions where I can find a sling?


And, a stroller?


I want to get one so when I got shopping, I won’t have to be carrying her
plus a bunch of bags. Bags can sit on top of the stroller when I take her


I am also trying to find a place to stay but most places want a hefty
deposit for a pet.


Well, that is all and when I get a pic of her taken, I will share it soon.


Take care all.


Portia Southern California

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