Congratulations! So happy that you rescued rather then to buy!  He looks
like a real sweet chi too!  A whole year in a rescue......just goes to show
how hard it is to find good homes for soooo many chis out there.  I really
wish all the BYBs would stop breeding them. It is so extremely sad to know
of so many being destroyed every day in shelters due to lack of room and not
enough homes to place them in. 

Snow again?!!  The temps dropped down to the 30s again here in NY last night
 and are suppose to drop down to the 20s tonight!  I sure hope your snow
doesn't head this way. Spring seems to have forgotten us this year. :(

Enjoy your new baby!

-------Original Message-------
From: kawaiiatheart
Date: 4/2/2013 4:06:03 AM
Subject: [Chihuahuas] Hi everyone we are NEW!!
Hi everyone, I'm Tiffany and I just adopted my Red Chi boy Master Shifu 2
days ago!!

Shifu is already made our life better!! Shifu was found by a local shelter
as a stray and they were going to put him down based on the number of
Chihuahuas that they already had. So a rescue group was there and heard
about him so they were able to get the shelter to release him to them.

Shifu was in a foster home for a year before we adopted him. I will say that
his foster mom did an amazing job with him. He is not a freaked out little
guy and he is house trained!!! 

Right now he's not very happy cause we live in CO and just got dumped on
with almost a foot of snow and its still going. He's refusing to go potty. 

Master Shifu will be spending sometime at our retail store that we own so he
will be kept socilized.

Tiffany and Master Shifu


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