Hi all,

I saw the flea posts and I'd weigh in. I haven't had Valken on flea/tick
medication because for the most part he's in the house. But summer is coming
up and on top of that he's probably going to be going to doggy day care
every so often so here's what my vet did for his flea medication.she's a
farm vet and awesome so we're used to improvising sometimes. I have a single
packet of Revolution and a 1cc (1ml) syringe with needle. The tip of the
needle has been cut off. Based on Valken's weight, his dose is .13ml.  I
just pull this up into the syringe and dose down his back. I think the
single pack lasts something like 10 months.

I gotta tell you.after the amount of EVERYTHING needed to take good care of
a 150lb. livestock guardian dog (we had 4)  it is so great to not be
breaking the bank with this stuff.


Now.I've got to get him so he doesn't go ballistic whenever anyone comes to
the house.I need training! LOL!!!



Megan & Valken

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