I used belly bands on my 17 yr old dachshund for 2 years.  He only took it off 
or fussed with it when it was wet.  He dripped when he slept and sometimes when 
he was held.  I finally had to put him down due to renal failure.  It was hard 
but I was comfortable with it since he was 17. He lived 3 years longer than the 
average 14 yrs.

               \  /\
               (  )
             .(    ).

       Alice Saunders
       Twitter: @lwr

On Apr 30, 2013, at 2:45 AM, GinbarMinPins <ginbarminp...@aol.com> wrote:

> Neutering cuts down on marking..tomcats spray, male dogs mark or lift their 
> leg. Confine when you can't watch, treat like pups and take out at least 
> every 4 hours and clean the spots with an emzyme product. I have a houseful 
> of males...all neutered who don't mark. I don't like belly bands cuz a pain 
> to remember to take off and the one dog I used it on overnite always got it 
> off.
> Robin, the Dobe Axel CGC, TT, the German Pin Ranger CGC, TT, the Chihuahuas 
> Alice CGC and Monte, the MinPins HoneyB, Brutus, and IMPS foster  Jordan    
>                                          www.minpinrescue.org
> -------- Original message --------
> Subject: [Chihuahuas] I have 3 male Chis, 2 of them are not altered, and they 
> spray all the time! 
> From: gunna55 <gunn...@hotmail.com> 
> To: Chihuahuas@yahoogroups.com 
> CC: 
> I dont know what to do. I have 3 male Chis, and the 2 of them which are not 
> fixed, spray all the time. They are 3yrs. and 2 yrs. old. Any suggestions 
> other than using a male diaper?

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